This Hand's Creation

This is a Blog just for me to post all of the art that has been created with my own two hands! You can look or not, like or dislike, tell me or not, but I'd just like to have it there for my own stretching in the sharing department.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

So I Walk On

I walk and walk and walk
My legs grow weary
My mouth thursts
But I will not stop
I will not lie down
I will not stear towards water
I do not know where I am headed
Nor the turns in this road
I know only, "I will follow"

I follow this sun
I follow this wind
This sound that leads me
I do not know who or what it is
Only that I cannot live unless I keep on following
So I will walk as long as it takes

Till my legs fall off
Till I'm on my face
Till I physically cannot move anymore
I must find out what lies ahead
What if I stopped
What if the end had been right around the corner

I canot stop...I musn't...I will not!
I will continue
I will search
Until I've found what I live for
What my very heart is beating for
What I'm breathing for
What I hope to see
Every time I open my eyes

Look around the corner
I will see it!
I will continue!
I will press on for I know I must
I will reach my prize!
So I walk on...

Beck Poulsen
Copyright ©2007 Beck Poulsen

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Mounting Everest

There once was a mount named Everest
We thought there was none the Betterest
Till on day when we looked close upon it
And discovered maybe we can't make it

It seemed more like Tetris we're Playing
With bricks for laying we start our praying
And never to stop we try making it fit
'It Can't' we all try and avoid to admit

Half way up this mountain we've built
Instead of a Duvet it's a Patchwork Quilt
But we'll trek on ahead on the slippery slope
For a Quarter of a Million we really must Hope

This mount is called Everest and remaining today
Are the hearts holding on all through the delay
Each step we get closer to the end that is nigh
As we follow the bright light we Wave our Goodbyes

Friday, January 13, 2006

True Inspiration, True Pain

So, there is a whole CHUNK of the world that has been forced out of their homes, out of there land, to find a new life. Our children at TACF spent time writting them letters. I spent 2 (8 hr.) nights of stressful and wonderful artistry creating theses wonderful covers for the letters and adding a teddy and also a sucker to each one. We anted to bless the small children who are now scared so much and feel no-one knows of their fear.

These are some of the covers i made for that. They are being sent with a mission group who are going down there to help in one of the schools being used as a
shelter right now. And the large bears are going to go on display to remind everyone who walks past them that Canada loves and is praying for the Isrealites who have been made homeless and alone.

Friday, November 04, 2005

My Old Room

Here are the Photos of my old room which I muralled. I used normal wall paints with a small artists took me a year to do. Hopefully that will not be the case this more saturdays alone in my room painting my least not right now!

Darling Cows?

Took these pics this summer...just thought I'd share my love for beef in the sun?? No, my little Moo-Dogs...AKA Springer Spaniels...AKA Daxia and Malorie!!!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'm A HUG!

Sunday, June 26, 2005


This bunny was found in my front turns out there are a family who live in my eh? So I took this picture with my dad's digi. and it's very amiture...But I"m trying to get good practice in. Only one way to get really it as much as you can!! Taken June 23rd 2005.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Absent Peace

When Peace can't be found
What is there left
When peace can't be found
Where do I find rest
My mind is racing, my blood rushes fast
My muscles are tense, my heart is downcast

When peace is lost
What hope is near
When peace is lost
What calms my fear
My being is empty, my emotions run out
My vision is fading, my faith turns to doubt

When peace is hiding
Where do I turn
When peace is hiding
How do I endure
My days are black, no stars in my sky
My appetite's lacking, my mouth is run dry

When peace is gone
What is there for me
When peace is gone
How do I still breath
My joy is stolen, my courage depleted
My purpose means nothing, I lay here defeated
Peace was simply all that I needed